Sunday, November 26, 2006


Sometimes I ask God, why did You put this person in my life? Why do people trust each other? Hurt each other? Kill each other? Love each other?

Sometimes I ask God, why do You make two people hate each other? Why do You make them fight each other? Eye each other? Harass each other?

Sometimes I ask God, why do You make parents love their kids so much? Why do parents love kids so intensely? Why do parents hurt us so immensely?

Sometimes I ask God, why do You break friendships when forming new ones? Why do You break bonds that are dear to others? Why do You allow us to be hurt?

Sometimes I ask God who do we owe this thank you to? To whom do we owe this maturation? To whom do we deliver our knuckle sandwhich to?

Sometimes I ask God, how do You intend to make this help us? How do You intend to make this strengthen us? How does this fit into Your grand design?

Sometimes I think I have learned: These things were mean't to hurt us, to bind us, to teach us, to find us

Sometimes I think I have learned: Why God put them in my life, why God put people through such strife, why God hardens others' hearts, why God does what He does in our life

Now I know: In hind site we are our experiences, in hind site we learn to grow, in hind site we learn from others' misdemeanors, in hind site..... we are filled with sorrow

Now I know: Why God put them in my life, why God put ppl through such strife, why God makes people fight each other, why God teaches you and I to trust one another

Now I know....... God loves us all, He would never let us fall, if we just learn to trust His grace, and learn to seek His face

Now I know....... God teaches us grandly, through hurts, bruises or even profanity, by broken heads, hearts, and soiled souls, these things one day will help us roll

Now I know....... "Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled With precious and pleasant riches" Proverbs 24: 3 - 4